Saturday, 28 June 2008

Sammy Permanent

Let me start off by saying that Mavie's real name is Samuel which means that the title that i came up with is pure fucking gold. Now, what can you tell me about hair cuts that Mavie hasn't already experienced?

Vancouver, 2001, Mavie finds a bargain... $25 perm. From memory, the people who paid for the privledge of witnessing this folicle chronicle unfold were, me, Ben Hoben, Keegan Swordpants, Dan Cates and Macey but it was ages ago so I may have gotten that wrong.
One thing i do know, Mavie didn't spend a cent and got to look awesome at the end of it.
The crutches are due him breaking his foot a few days earlier, the moral of the story - never let an injury get in the way a good hair style.

I told the hair dresser to give him the tightest spiral perm possible

The whole procedure took about 2 or 3 hours. I kept going in to check the progress and feed him duffins donuts every half hour or so, which is why his face is covered in sugar. Talk about shaving with a pastie

Tears of joy at the amazing result

They say there's only 3 days in between a bad hair cut and a good hair cut. This was taken a few days after the whole operation took place. Unfortunately Mavie's aura was glowing so brightly that some of it fucked up the photo.

This is about 3 weeks later in Las Vegas and I'd decided I'd had too much of a good thing and demanded that he lose the fuzz bomb because he looked too much like Dad.

I remember at one point during this crew cut he became unhappy with the elderly lady's head shaving technique and said (in an extremelt abrasive Australian accent that Chopper Reid would have been proud of) "Oh look just give it here," ripped the clippers out of her hand and shaved the rest himself.

And we're back on the road about 3kgs lighter

I have also updated my art website with some of newer work that I've been doing